The veneer is a very thin layer of porcelain that is custom made and permanently attached to your tooth.
The veneer is much thinner than a crown and our dentist only needs to remove a small amount of the tooth surface. We will match the porcelain to your existing teeth so it will blend in seamlessly with the rest of your teeth.
There are numerous reasons; we would recommend porcelain veneers to improve the look of your teeth like :
- Chipped tooth due to sports injury or accident.
- Gaps in between front teeth.
- Discolored front teeth.
- After root canal treatment in some special cases.
What’s the difference between a porcelain veneer and a crown?
Both are made from porcelain however; a crown is used to cover the entire tooth while a veneer is just attached to the front of the tooth. The veneer is much thinner than a crown and the dentist only needs to remove a small amount of the tooth. With a crown, the dentist must remove more of the tooth enamel.
Lucky are the ones who are blessed with beautiful pearly whites and a healthy smile.
But each person has a basic right to healthy and perfect dentition.
This young female patient wasn’t amongst the lucky ones when it came to her front teeth.
Her front teeth were smaller in size. Two of her front teeth had interchanged their position giving her a smile she wasn’t happy about.
We, at Studio Dentale gave her Porcelain veneers for upper front teeth.
We could not only correct the shape of the teeth but also choose the color shade most suitable for her.
She was extremely happy with her New smile.
1. How long does a porcelain veneer last?
Recent studies show porcelain veneers can last at least 10 years, sometimes even 20 years. Regular dental checkups and proper daily care of your teeth at home, go a long way in keeping your veneers for as long as possible.
2. What type of Veneers are available?
The most common dental veneers are Composite Veneers and Porcelain Veneers. Composite veneers are direct veneers made chair side using tooth colord composite material. Porcelain Veneers are made in the lab according to the customized impression made.
3. When are dental Veneers needed?
- Discolored teeth.
- Worn down teeth.
- Chipped teeth.
- Minor gaps in between front teeth.
- Minor misaligned front teeth.
- Irregularly shaped front teeth.
4. What are the advantages of Veneers?
- Maximum amount of tooth structure is preserved as it requires minimum tooth preparation.
- Improvement in appearance of teeth
- Treating many esthetic issues in less amount of time
- Gum responds very well to veneers
- Porcelain veneers are stain resistant.
5. What post operative care do I need to take for dental Veneers?
- Brush twice daily using fluoridated toothpaste and soft bristled toothbrush
- Gargle and rinse after every meal
- Floss twice daily
- Visit the dentist every 6 months for routine check up
- Avoid biting on hard food substances
- Wear a night guard if you have a habit of night grinding or clenching.
- Composite veneer : NPR 8000 per tooth
- E-max veneer : NPR 18000
- Empress veneer : NPR 22000