Laser Assisted Teeth Whitening


Laser therapies are commonly heard of in clinical and corrective medical procedures and similarly, the utilization of laser therapies likewise happens in the dental field.

whitening is a common cosmetic procedure apart from which laser offers multiple other choices. Are you apprehensive about dental drills and machines and this keeps you away from your regular dental visits?
Laser Dentistry might be the answer to all your problems.
In the present age, laser dentistry is regularly liked by patients as it is more agreeable, successful and furthermore reasonably economical with other dental medicines.

In Lasers, light energy is focused to expose or eliminate a particular area so that damage can be repaired. All through the world, laser dentistry is being utilized for leading various medicines, going from basic systems to rather complex dental techniques.

What are the common treatments that are done with laser technology?

  • Teeth whitening
  • Treatment of gum diseases
  • Treatment of tooth decay
  • Treatment of hypersensitivity

If you are one of those who get apprehensive about dental drills and machines, lasers are the best choice of treatment. Lasers ease the treatment process by avoiding pain and discomfort and also makes the treatment more smooth and speedy.

No sedation is needed for minor laser procedures and is performed in a conscious and comfortable state.

The steps followed in most laser treatments are similar to traditional dental procedures. In procedures needing anaesthesia,laser treatment needs less amount of sedation as compared to routine dental procedures .

Since Lasers work faster than traditional methods, you experience less discomfort or pain as use of instruments and drills is skipped in the process.

What are the benefits of Laser Dentistry?
Pain-free experience is the biggest advantage of lasers but it doesn’t stop there.
Lasers are beneficial in the below ways:

  • Skips sedation for minor procedures
  • Risk of infections is relatively low with Lasers
  • Less probability of stitches being needed
  • Less bleeding compared to traditional procedures
  • Faster wound healing
  • Post operative discomfort and pain is less
  • Minimal damage to surrounding healthy areas
  • Reduced apprehension and discomfort for patients

Less requirement of medicines or antibiotics post procedure

What are the different types of Lasers?

Two types of Lasers are used in Dentistry for treatment:Hard tissue Laser and Soft tissue Laser

What are Hard tissue lasers?

Hard tissues lasers are used for hard structures in the mouth like the teeth and the bone. This type of lasers cut the small areas of tooth that is damaged or needs to be removed.Generally.this kind of lasers are used for Cavity cleaning and tooth preparation procedures

What are soft tissue lasers?

Soft tissue lasers work on the soft tissues sealing the blood while they cut through it.They are generally used for gum shaping and contouring, cosmetic procedures and crown lengthening procedures.

What happens in a dental laser treatment procedure?

  • Before planning your procedures with lasers, the initial step is to book a consultation with our dental specialist. On your consultation day, our team will identify the problem areas and work with a treatment plan in following ways:
  • Similar to traditional methods, Laser procedures are quite basic.
  • Drilling and instrumentation is not required as lasers do their magic
  • Any pain or discomfort is avoided in the process as lasers are minimally invasive
  • Post operative instructions will be provided by our team to ensure faster healing

Laser Assisted Tooth Whitening

Laser teeth brightening treatment is a cosmetic procedure to enhance your pearly whites using laser technology.For Laser whitening, you need to be booked in at our dental practice for an hour long procedure.A concentrated gel is placed on the tooth surfaces and using the laser the entire process is sped up and made more effective.

What are the steps in Laser Whitening?

A laser whitening procedure is followed in the following steps:

  • To begin with, our dental specialist will place a mouth block to keep your mouth open during the procedure.
  • A protective layer is then applied to your gums to protect it from side effects of bleaching agent.
  • Once the protective gum guard has set, Our specialist will apply the whitening gel on the surfaces of your teeth.
  • A pen-like laser is then used all over the tooth surfaces to activate the whitening gel.
  • A slight froth can be seen during the procedure on your teeth which helps remove stains and other particles from your teeth.
  • Once the procedure is complete, the gel is sucked out of the mouth using suction and water and rinsed out.
  • Our dental specialist will repeat the steps till the desired shade is achieved.

Laser Assisted Gum Surgery

Gum Lasers work by using lasers rather than a surgical blade and hence doesn’t involve your gums to be cut like in case of a traditional gum surgery. This is a Minimally invasive procedure which also helps in speedy wound healing and less pain.

The steps of a routine laser gum surgery is as follows:

  • Our specialist will deliver anesthesia to numb the area of gums
  • Gums are excised using laser technology
  • The affected area is cleansed and any infections present are removed.
  • The region is closed up using sutures

This conventional treatment technique is still extremely useful and an incredible choice for some patients.Cutting open of tissues is avoided in Lasers. Another advantage is that the laser is exact to the point of just focusing on damaged tissue; whereas in conventional dentistry some healthy tissue is lost.

What post operative care is needed after a laser treatment?

  • There are less chances of any postoperative infections with lasers as wound healing is speedy and lasers ensure bacteria free environment during the procedures. Compared to traditional methods, there is lesser bleeding and no open wounds and minimal pain and swelling post the treatment. Incase of severe pain or swelling that doesn’t subside in a few days ,visit our specialist for an examination.

Ranges around NPR 30000


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