

Root canal treatment is a common procedure for treating the bacterial infection of the tooth by removal of infected pulp tissue.

Some of the common causes when you may need a root canal treatment are : 

  1. Dental cavity infecting the pulp tissue
  2. Fractured tooth
  3. Cracked tooth
  4. Infection due to trauma

If you have any fear of root canal treatment, read on to help calm your nerves


Myth No. 1

Root canal treatment is needed only when there is dental pain.

Dental pain is experienced during the course of dental infection. A tooth may stop hurting or may not hurt at all but may need root canal treatment. Dental pain does not always mean the need for root canal treatment. At times, a tooth may pain due to other reasons like food being lodged in between teeth or gums. At times, a tooth with an advanced cavity may not give you pain but will require root canal treatment.


Myth No. 2

Root canal treatment is painful

With advances in the dental field, root canal treatment has become one of the most routine painless procedure. The treatment is done under local anesthesia which ensures that you are comfortable and don’t experience any pain. The root canal techniques have evolved tremendously over the recent years. This allows the dentist to complete the root canal quicker and with no pain.


Myth No. 3

Extraction is better than root canal treatment

It may sound good to get rid of the painful tooth once and for all. But the biggest advantage of root canal treatment is that the natural tooth is saved. Any tooth replacement falls short to a natural tooth. The recovery time after root canal treatment is much shorter and comfortable than extraction. After extraction, the removed tooth needs to be replaced to avoid further complications


Myth No. 4

Root canal treatment causes illness

This myth was started way long back when proper techniques were not available. Don’t believe outdated information and trust your dentist. With the techniques available today there is no scientific correlation of root canal treatment and illnesses.


Trust the right source of information—your dentist—and get the required treatment on time to avoid the unpleasant experience of dental pain. Don’t let misconceptions prevent you from seeking the care you need. If you’re experiencing tooth pain, visit us today at Studio Dentale and discover how a root canal can restore your dental health and comfort!

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