
Due to the prevailing scenario of the pandemic related to Covid-19, here are some very important instructions for you to be aware ot, before you come to the clinic, when you are in the clinic and while you are exiting the clinic. Failing to adhere to these can lead to cross-infection and safety concerns for your family and our clinical staff.
Before you Come to the clinic:
- You are requested to take a prior appointment with the clinic
- Please confirm your well-being in terms of fever, cough, cold, chills, bodyache, loose motions, loss of smell & taste.
- Please confirm whether you or anyone in your family have been in
touch with any Covid-19 related case - Preferably only one attendant should come with your child. Grand
parents and siblings are strictly not allowed to come to clinic in view of health hazard to them. - Please prepare your child mentally about what to expect. You can
view certain videos and pictures of our child friendly clinic on this
website. It is of utmost significance that you take time to go through them and prepare your child accordingly. Its stressful times and if we do our bit in minimizing their anxiety, it definitely helps all of us.
When You Are In The Clinic:
- When you are in the Clinic:
- Anyone coming to clinic should be in full covered cloth with face mask, including the child (except infants i.e. Age less than 1 year). Gloves are optional.
- When you enter, have your body temperature checked with Infra red contact less thermometer
- You will have to wash your and child’s hands with soap once you enter the clinic and rinse your child’s mouth with the mouth rinse provided for up to 30-60 secs.
- Subsequently, you would be provided with head caps and gloves from our side.
- Please fill a consent and declaration form while we will make your child familiar with our vibrant surroundings. We are proud of our play area, but due to current crisis, it may be temporarily closed in between appointments for clean up. If needed, you can bring their favourite toy along to make him/her comfortable.
When You Are living The Clinic:
- When you are leaving the Clinic:
- You can put on the mask back for your child. At all times please maintain social distancing. Please avoid touching any surface/furniture as part of the clinic.
- We are running a paperless clinic right now to avoid any physical contact. So all prescription, bills etc would be sent to you by either whats-app or email. Kindly share any relevant document on email/whats-app only.
- All your payments are preferred cashless.
- In case you were given disposable head cap, gloves, shoe covers, kindly dispose them at the disposal bin at the appropriate area as guided
- Kindly sanitize your hands before leaving
- Please inform us diligently in case your child or any of your family member develops any signs of Covid-19 subsequently in 14 days after your visit as we have to immediately take due steps as per contact tracing guidelines of Government.