Ceramic Braces


Wishing to undergo Orthodontic Treatment, but worried about having a Metallic smile?
Don’t worry. We can help you achieve your ideal smile without facing the embarrassment of Metallic Smile.

This can be done with Ceramic Braces. 
Ceramic braces are similar to Metal Braces but we use tooth colored brackets instead of metal ones. Only a tin metal wire is seen. Rest everything is tooth colored. So you don’t have to be hesitant while smiling even with braces on. 
You can prevent a small issue from turning into a big problem by undergoing orthodontic treatment on time.
Orthodontic treatment with Ceramic Braces can correct problems like

  • Gaps in between teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Forwardly placed teeth
  • Improper overlap of teeth
  • Improper position of jaws.

For many years, the only option available for undergoing orthodontic treatment was with Metal Braces. But the scenario has changed now.

Children are more keen on undergoing orthodontic treatment as they are aware of the result they will get and are less likely to be embarrassed with braces. But as they grow and start attending college, they do wish for an ideal smile but don’t want to draw attention to braces. 

In such a scenario, one can opt for Ceramic Braces. They give you the result of Metallic Braces but are more discreet than Traditional Braces.

  • 1. Who is eligible for Ceramic Braces?

    Anyone with good oral hygiene who wishes to acquire an ideal smile but wants the braces to be subtle can go ahead with Braces.

  • 2. What is the ideal age to opt for Ceramic Braces?

    The most ideal age for ceramic Braces is when the growing stage is complete and all permanent teeth are erupted. This ensures better care of braces and minimizes bracket breakage.

  • 3. Is treatment with Ceramic Braces as fast as with Metal Braces?

    In most cases, ceramic braces are as fast as metal braces. But sometimes, ceramic braces take more time for treatment completion as more forces cannot be applied. Your dentist will advise you which is the best type of braces to opt for according to the condition.

  • 4. Do Ceramic braces hurt?

    Like every braces, ceramic braces do cause some amount of discomfort. This discomfort is experienced for 2 days or so after each tightening or adjustment of braces. You can go for a mild pain relief tablet after consulting with your dentist.

Benefits of Ceramic Braces are:

1. Discreet than metal braces

2. Ceramic braces are tough

3. The wire can be colored according to your requirement to match the teeth

4. Ceramic braces won’t be noticeable in photographs. You can take photos with ceramic braces without any doubts

5. More comfortable

6. They don’t stain easily

7. You can select colored bands to make it more unique

Any ongoing dental treatment needs care.
You should take following care when your Orthodontic treatment is ongoing.

  • Brush twice daily using Orthodontic Toothbrush and Fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Rinse each time after eating.
  • Use Interdental brush to remove any food substances that get stuck between teeth and braces.
  • Avoid too sticky and hard food substances.
  • Follow your dental appointment schedule.
  • Follow all instructions given by the dentist to avoid prolonging the treatment period

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