

Smile is a tonic of self confidence. Having confidence in your smile is clearly evident on your face when you smile. This confidence comes only when you are happy with your teeth.

But stained teeth adversely affect your smile.
Nobody is fond of stained teeth.

Are your teeth getting stained often?

Wondering why they are getting stained?

Staining of teeth is of 2 types :
1. Internal
2. External

What causes teeth staining?
Stains are caused due to :
1. Certain food types with more food coloring.
2. Berries like blueberries
3. Red wine consumption.
4. Increased intake of coffee and tea.
5. Tobacco stains

How can you prevent staining?
Most types of staining is preventable by taking following care :
Avoid eating food with lots of food coloring.
Brushing teeth 2 times daily.
Having regular 6 monthly follow up check ups for teeth cleaning.
Avoid chewing tobacco and smoking.

Are all stains reversible?
Most of the stains are reversible. It is better to avoid staining but they are reversible with proper teeth whitening procedures.

How can teeth whitening be done?
Teeth whitening can be done by being at home or a quick result by in office teeth whitening.

  1. At home teeth whitening : a special tray with whitening agent will be given to you to wear at home for a specific amount of time.
  2. In office teeth whitening : teeth whitening gel is applied on teeth in the dental clinic.

Is the procedure of teeth whitening permanent?
Teeth whitening is not permanent but the effects are long lasting if proper care is taken.

With Teeth Whitening you can get rid of stains in just one appointment.

Visit Studio Dentale and bid farewell to unsightly teeth stains.




Having difficulty chewing food? Are your teeth not visible upon smiling? Do you think your teeth have worn out?
If yes, then you may need full mouth rehabilitation.

What is Full Mouth Rehabilitation (FMR)?
Full Mouth Rehabilitation is the reconstruction of your smile and worn out teeth so as to restore esthetics and function.

What may you experience if you need Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

  • Difficulty in chewing
  • Worn out teeth
  • Lower teeth not visible on smiling
  • Generalized sensitivity
  • Jaw pain
  • Headache

What is done during Full Mouth Rehabilitation?
The main objective of FMR is :
To restore and repair the missing teeth, worn out teeth to restore balanced and harmonious occlusion so that you are able to smile and chew properly.

What are the causes of worn out teeth?
Teeth may have gone missing or have got worn out due to following reasons :

  • Advanced dental caries
  • Severe acidity
  • Stress
  • Teeth grinding

What happens at Full Mouth Rehabilitation appointments?

1. Consultation :
Consultation will be done to check if you have any symptoms which may require full mouth rehabilitation.

2. In depth examination :
The symptoms will be studied in depth, your problems will be discussed. It is important to discuss before starting any treatment of full mouth rehabilitation.

3. Scans or impressions :
We will conduct some investigations like x-rays, scans and impressions to decide the treatment options and the line of treatment that is best for you.

4. Treatment discussion :
The best line of treatment and the most suited treatment options will be presented to you. If you have any doubts regarding any treatment, they will be cleared.

5. Mock up trial :
After the treatment is finalized, a mock up trial will be done to show you how the results will be. This may be an actual mock up or maybe digital mock up.

6. Treatments :
The treatments required may include root canal treatments, fixed prostheses like dental crowns, dental bridges, or dental implants.

7. Follow up :
Having a well balanced healthy occlusion requires regular dental check ups to maintain it in optimum condition.

If you have any issues mentioned above, feel free to contact us for a thorough check up and consultation at Studio Dentale.



Losing teeth at any age can be traumatic. But you don’t have to worry as we at Studiodentale can replace missing teeth with the latest technologies available in the field of dentistry.

After losing a tooth, it is vital to replace it as soon as recommended. If one fails to replace the missing tooth :

  • Adjacent teeth will encroach the new available space.
  • Opposing tooth will move into the available space to find a stop.
  • A blow to self confidence if the missing tooth is a front tooth.
  • Decreased ability to chew food properly

You have the option of replacing the missing teeth with removable prosthetic options or fixed prosthetic options.

What is the difference between Dental Implants and Dental Bridges?

Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are fixed prosthetic options for replacing single or few teeth. The adjacent teeth have to be cut down to take support for the dental bridge. The life of a dental bridge depends on the teeth which support the bridge.
As we cut down the healthy teeth, they may need root canal treatment. Dental bridges are a good option if dental implants cannot be placed.

Dental Implants
Dental implants are placed inside the jaw and act as stand alone fixed prosthesis. The dental implant is independent of adjacent teeth. Dental implants take the pace of the position of the root of the missing tooth. With proper care dental implants can last a lifetime. Dental implants can replace a single tooth or a few teeth or even when all teeth are missing.
Dental implants mimic the natural tooth for function and esthetics.

Are you considering dental bridge or dental implant?
Dental bridge or dental implant both serve the purpose of replacing missing teeth with fixed prosthesis. But dental implants come closest to natural teeth.

Whether it be a dental bridge or dental implant, we can help you with replacing your missing tooth.

We specialize in providing fixed prosthesis with dental implants with our inhouse dental facilities. Contact us to regain your lost smile with a fixed prosthesis.



Tired of bad breath?
Longing to have fresh minty breath?
If your answer is yes, then you have come to the right place!
Bad breath medically called ‘Halitosis’ can be present due to various reasons.
You can get rid of bad breath only if you know the reason behind it.
Bad breath maybe a consequence of one of the following conditions :

1. Lack of oral hygiene
Brushing twice daily with a toothpaste and toothbrush is what keeps your mouth fresh. Lack of good oral hygiene leads to deposits of calculus and tartar. Calculus and tartar are one of the main causes of bad breath.


2. Bad oral habits
Brushing teeth not only keep tartar at bay but also prevent dental caries. Food gets easily stuck in dental cavities. This food degenerates and causes bad breath.


3. Tobacco habits
Smoking and chewing tobacco harms your oral tissues. They also leave a smoky bad taste and smell.


4. Drinking water
Drinking water washes out any food particles lodged in the mouth. Dry mouth is prone to bad breath


5. Digestion problems
Reason behind bad breath may not always be inside your mouth. Digestion problems also lead to bad breath.


6. Sinus problems
Sinus problem presents as sneezing, pain on cheekbones and bad breath amongst other symptoms.


1. Bad breath is totally preventable if you take following care :
2. Brush twice daily using toothbrush and toothpaste.
3. Don’t forget to rinse your mouth with water after every meal.
4. Tongue is the place that harbors many bacteria. Keep the tongue clean.
5. Get those cavities treated on time.
6. Avoid smoking and chewing tobacco.
7. Drink lots of water to avoid dry mouth
If you have persistent bad breath but no dental problems, you may be suffering from digestive or sinus problems.

If you already suffer from bad breath, you will need treatment for the same.
Following dental treatments are recommended to get away from bad breath which have dental origin :

1. Dental treatment
Treating dental problems like deep dental carious teeth prevents food lodgement.
Regular six monthly dental check ups are essential for preventing and treating bad breath.


2. Professional teeth cleaning
Bad breath due to tartar and calculus deposits can be treated with professional teeth cleaning


You won’t feel confident if you have bad breath. Take care of your oral hygiene and enjoy the fresh breath.



It is heartwarming to see a baby giving you an innocent toothless smile.
But you won’t miss it when your baby starts teething.
Teething is the stage when your baby’s first tooth starts erupting. It starts at the age of around 6 to 9 months.
Signs to look out for when teething :
Normal signs
Your baby will be irritable
Sore gums where tooth is to be erupted
Mild temperature
Drooling of saliva more than usual
Baby tries to chew on things
Abnormal signs
High temperature
Upset stomach
Consult your dentist or pediatrician if your baby experiences abnormal signs

How can you help your baby during teething?
You can do the following
Gently rub on the sore gums with a small wet cold cotton
Give safe teether to chew on to reduce the irritation
Clean gums with wet cotton or soft cloth after every feeding
Discontinue bottle feeding.
Teething is one of the most important phases in your child’s growth. Take care of your baby’s new pearls from the beginning.



There is a very popular saying
“You brush your teeth in morning to keep your friends,
You brush your teeth at night to keep your teeth”
Ever wondered what is the secret mantra to have that beautiful healthy smile?
If yes, you have come to the right place.
The mantra is BRUSH BRUSH BRUSH.
Brushing twice a day is the go to thing for maintaining good oral hygiene.
Each and everyone wishes to avoid cavities. But are unsure on how to achieve that.
When you brush your teeth, you remove the food which is stuck in between your teeth.
Many people brush twice a day but still tend to suffer from dental issues.
The reason behind this is improper brushing technique.
Follow the following brushing technique :
Place your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle.
Gently move the brush back and forth,in short strokes.
Similarly clean all surfaces of all teeth
For cleaning the inner surface of front teeth, place the brush vertically and move it in up and down motion.
Along with proper brushing take care of :
Change brush every 3 months
Use soft toothbrush
Floss after brushing your teeth
Gargle after every time you eat
Visit for a routine dental check up every 6 months
With the proper brushing technique you will be able to maintain your healthy smile.