

Straight perfectly lined teeth is a dream of many. Young or not, a perfect smile is an achievable dream with Invisalign or braces. But what to choose? Invisalign or braces?


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign are the clear aligners which apply regular forces on teeth to bring them in the desired position. Even before the treatment starts, the number of aligners and the outcome of the treatment is decided. These aligners are to be changed after a specific number of days. Over the course of the treatment, these aligners guid the teeth to come in the correct position.


Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign offers benefits like : 

  1. Adults can use invisalign for orthodontic correction
  2. Invisible – Aligners are practically invisible 
  3. Removable – Aligners are to be removed during eating and can be removed for a short duration if you have any important meeting or a gathering.
  4. No dietary restrictions – As the aligners can be removed, there are no dietary restrictions
  5. Predictable results – You can view the outcome of your treatment even before the treatment begins.


How does Invisalign work?

There are a set number of aligners which are given for you to wear as advised. These aligners are designed so as to apply continuous light forces on the tooth surface. These forces are comfortable and guid the teeth in the correct position.


What are Braces?

Orthodontic treatment with braces consists of small brackets stuck to the teeth surfaces and a wire connecting them to each other. Braces may be metallic or ceramic. Ceramic braces have the benefit of the brackets being tooth colored.


Benefits of Braces 

Braces provide benefits like  : 

  1. Both minor and complex cases can be treated with braces
  2. Apt for all age groups – even young children can be treated with braces
  3. No staining of brackets – drinks like juices, wine does not stain the wire or brackets
  4. The outcome of the treatment is dependent on the dentist and not the patient – as they are not removable, patient compliance is not a factor
  5. Braces are more cost friendly


How do Braces work?

Brackets are placed on the teeth surfaces and a wire is passed through them. Adjustments are made by the orthodontist every month. These adjustments apply forces and bring about the change in position of teeth. 

When it comes to straightening your teeth, the choice between Invisalign and traditional braces can often feel like a dilemma. At Studio Dentale, the best dental clinic in Kathmandu, Dr. Nikita Agarwal is here to guide you through the decision-making process.

Invisalign offers a discreet, comfortable, and removable option, while traditional braces are effective for more complex dental issues. Knowing the pros and cons of each will help you choose the best treatment for your needs and lifestyle. Visit us today to discuss your options and achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of!



You think you are sleeping peacefully but unknowingly wake up in the middle of the night due to snoring.

Is this scenario familiar? If yes, you may be suffering from sleep apnea.

Everyone of us has experienced snoring when we are too tired.

But it is important to know if it is just snoring or sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is when you wake up from sleep because you have stopped breathing momentarily.


Sleep apnea is because of 2 reasons:

  1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea –

Obstructions like falling back of the soft palate leads to obstructive sleep apnea.


  1. Central Sleep Apnea –

The brain may be facing issues while sending signals to breathing muscles causing sleep apnea. There is no evident obstruction present. Central sleep apnea is usually associated with systemic issues like brain tumor, stroke, heart failure.


Sleep apnea is more prevalent in : 

  1. Gender – Men
  2. Age – over 40 years 
  3. Obstruction – deviated septum or airway obstruction
  4. Anyone who is overweight
  5. Large tonsils – someone with large tonsils


Sleep apnea may present with 

  1. Waking up startled in between sleep
  2. Sleep is restless
  3. Snoring loudly
  4. Waking up tired even after sleeping for a long time
  5. Difficulty in breathing


Untreated sleep apnea may lead to serious issues like heart problems, stroke, depression, migraine and so on.


It is advisable to diagnose and treat sleep apnea sooner than later. Treatment includes : 

  1. Sleeping position – sometimes a change in the sleeping position helps prevent sleep apnea episodes. Soft palate tends to fall back when one sleeps on the back. Try sleeping on the side to avoid sleep apnea
  2. Dental appliance – mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea can be treated with an oral appliance to correct the jaw position.
  3. Surgery – severe cases of sleep apnea may need surgical intervention when other treatment options have proved to be unsuccessful. Simple surgery like deviated septum can treat sleep apnea.


Breaking old habits and forming new ones always takes time, but it is definitely worth the effort in the end. 2023 has begun with new opportunities and chances. 

In this new year, seize new opportunities to form some new dental care habits for a new healthy smile.


Habit No. 1


Irrespective of the situation, put it in our daily routine to brush your teeth daily twice using soft bristled toothbrush and toothpaste. Brushing your teeth will help remove all the food particles deposited on teeth and stuck in between your teeth. These food materials, if kept as it is, increases chances of cavities and gum diseases.


Habit No. 2


Many people do have the habit of brushing but not many floss. Floss is Boss! If you don’t floss, you tend to leave out 35% of tooth surfaces unclean. The habit of daily flossing makes or breaks your dental hygiene.


Habit No. 3.


Fresh fruits, salads, and fibrous vegetables provide roughage and remove food deposits and plaque from teeth surfaces. Sticky sweet substances give way to cavities. Choose a healthier version for your sweet tooth. Choose fruit infused water instead of soda, fruits instead of chocolates. Drinking water helps keep cavities at bay.


Habit No. 4


Toothbrush is to be used for a period of 3 months. It is to be changed every 3 months and after an episode of flu. If your brush deteriorates before 3 months that is an indication that your brushing technique is incorrect.


Habit No. 5


Not just brushing but brushing technique is vital for healthy teeth and gums. Proper brushing technique can be demonstrated by your dentist at your next dental visit.


Habit No. 6


6 monthly routine dental check ups catch problems at the very first stage and it can be treated to prevent its spread. 


With the new beginnings of the new year, it’s the perfect time to adopt new habits and take steps toward a brighter, healthier smile. At Studio DentaleDr. Nikita Agarwal encourages you to prioritize your oral health this year. Whether it’s committing to regular dental check-ups, improving your brushing routine, or exploring cosmetic treatments, let this year be the start of your journey towards a confident and healthy smile. Reach out to us today and make your smile a priority in new year.



Children lose their milk teeth and permanent teeth erupt in their place. This is a natural phenomenon which should happen at the right age. 

One of the functions of milk teeth is to serve as natural space maintainers till it is the time for permanent teeth to erupt.

Early loss of milk teeth deters this function and causes problems.


What reasons may lead to early loss of milk teeth?

Milk teeth may fall off early or maybe needed to be removed early for reasons like : 

  • Advanced dental cavity
  • Severe dental infection
  • If dental treatment is not taken on time
  • Financial reasons


Space maintainers maintain the space till it is the time for permanent teeth to erupt.


What happens if a space maintainer is not placed?

In the event that a milk tooth is lost early and a space maintainer is not placed : 

  • Adjacent teeth shift and occupy the place
  • Loss of bite
  • Less or no space left for permanent teeth to erupt
  • Crowding in permanent teeth


Space maintainer is to be placed as soon as the wound heals up to avoid problems in the future. The space maintainer helps to maintain the space till it is time for a permanent tooth to erupt. At the correct time, the space maintainer is removed.


Space maintainers are mainly : 

  1. Removable space maintainer –

Usually are given in case or front missing milk teeth. They serve the purpose of maintaining space and also help your child maintain the sweet smile.


  1. Fixed space maintainer –

Unilateral fixed space maintainer – it is placed when one or more teeth are lost on one side

Bilateral fixed space maintainer – it is placed when one or more teeth are lost on both sides


Space maintainers not just maintain spaces but also maintains the smile on your child’s face.



Dental Veneers are paper thin coverings placed on the front surface of front teeth to enhance their appearance. Dental veneers serve as permanent cosmetic enhancement to your smile.


What type of dental problems can dental veneers fix?

  • Discolored teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Minor gaps in between teeth
  • Teeth discolored due to medications
  • Internal teeth staining
  • Minor orthodontic problems
  • Previous large fillings


What are different types of dental veneers to choose from?

  1. Porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are indirect type of dental veneers. The tooth needing veneer is prepared to receive the veneer. The impression is made and the dental veneer is made in the dental laboratory and fixed on the prepared tooth


  1. Composite veneers

Composite dental veneers are direct type of dental veneers. Esthetic tooth colored composite material is placed on the tooth to make the dental veneer.


Why choose dental veneers?

A perfect dazzling smile can prove to be a boost to self confidence. Minor gaps or even a discolored tooth can put a damper on that confidence. Dental veneers provide a long term solution to this. 



Life is full of ups and downs. At times no amount of precautions can prevent an accident.

Dental emergencies are one of the most unexpected and painful situations.

But care shouldn’t start in the emergency room.

One should know the ABCs of what to do in emergency dental situations.

Dental emergencies are mainly



A tooth being knocked out may not give you immediate pain but it is definitely a frightening sight. 

But don’t worry, if that happens take a glass of milk and place the knocked off tooth inside the milk. After doing so, visit the dentist immediately with the tooth kept inside milk. 

If your child’s tooth gets knocked off, firstly check if it’s a milk tooth or permanent tooth. A permanent tooth needs the same care as adults.

Your dentist can save a knocked off tooth if proper treatment is given at the correct time.



Tooth fracture can happen due to various reasons. Teeth are not meant to be used as bottle openers, bag openers. But many people use teeth to rip off plastic bags. This puts them at risk of cracked tooth. 

A fractured tooth is a painful emergency. Visit the dentist immediately.

You can apply ice from outside to reduce the swelling caused due to trauma. 



A tooth cannot heal itself and needs treatment. Getting timely dental treatment reduces the chances of dental pain. Dental pain is considered to be the most aggravating pain. You can avoid tooth pain by simply following routine 6 monthly check ups getting timely dental treatments.



Objects being stuck can be irritating as well as cause harm to gums. Toothpicks or sharp objects are a complete no-no for removing it. A dentist is best equipped to remove the food lodged in between your teeth without any harm to gums.


One can take following measures to prevent dental emergencies  : 

  • Always wear a helmet while playing sports and while driving
  • Use a mouthguard while playing sports
  • Don’t use teeth to open packets or bottles.
  • Visit your dentist every 6 months and maintain good oral hygiene.


You wake up in the morning and feel restlessness, jaw pain, headache. Does this sound familiar?

If yes, you might be grinding your teeth in sleep, called Bruxism.


What is Bruxism?

Bruxism is a condition in which you may unconsciously grind or clench your teeth during the day or at night. 


Why does one grind teeth?

Teeth grinding over a long period of time causes harm to your teeth. The base of treating bruxism lies in knowing the cause of it.

Typically teeth grinding causes include : 

  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Uneven or misplaced bite
  • Missing, broken teeth
  • Sleep problems like sleep apnea


What symptoms may you experience due to bruxism?

Following symptoms may be experienced by you if you grind your teeth : 

  • Continuous dull headache
  • Grinding noises heard by others
  • Sore jaw
  • Extensive tooth wear
  • Sensitive teeth


How can you identify that you are grinding your teeth?

It is difficult to identify teeth grinding on your own. But by paying attention to symptoms you can identify and sort out the cause of it.

The person sleeping next to you will hear grinding noises, you may experience a dull persistent headache upon waking up. If you experience any of the above, do visit your dentist to confirm the bruxism habit.


Why is Bruxism bad for your teeth?

Naturally, opposing teeth are not meant to touch each other except while swallowing. Constant contact leads to severe attrition of teeth. The outermost toughest layer, enamel attrides and the sensitive layer, dentin is exposed. Untreated bruxism leads to exposure of pulp tissue.

Muscles overwork during teeth grinding which leads to their fatigue.

Hence, timely treatment for bruxism is important.


How can you stop teeth grinding?

Teeth grinding is multifactorial and can be a product of multiple issues. It becomes essential to understand and eliminate the causes one by one.

  • Stress : finding the reason of cause, meditation and yoga can help relieve the stress
  • Uneven bite : your dentist can correct your bite which will help stabilize the bite
  • Disturbed sleep : avoid tobacco and caffeine products before sleeping
  • Missing teeth : get your missing teeth replaced on time


Treating the cause of bruxism to treat teeth grinding is the ultimate goal but till then the dentist will give you a transparent removable night guard to wear. It is to be worn when you sleep so that the extra force due to grinding is borne by the night guard and not the teeth.


Bruxism can be silently affecting your teeth. Visit your dentist at Studio Dentale to know more about teeth grinding.



Pregnancy is one of the special times for a mother. During this time, many things will take up your time. Attending to one’s cravings, getting ready for the baby, making timely doctor’s visits will occupy your time

Taking care of yourself during this time becomes a top priority.

In this, do not forget to take care of your oral hygiene.


What dental problems may one face during pregnancy?

  1. Gum problems :

Due to pregnancy hormones, you may experience gum swelling. The gum swelling may reduce post birth but may pose a problem during pregnancy.


2. Increased chances of cavities :

Everyone is aware that pregnancy cravings can come anytime of the day or night. The frequency of snacking is also more during pregnancy. Frequent snacking increases the chances of having cavities.


3. Wear of teeth :

Teeth tend to wear off due to the acidic environment created due to vomiting experienced during the first trimester.


4. Pregnancy ulcers :

Some women may experience mouth ulcers or swelling which goes off after pregnancy.


Why is it important to take care of oral hygiene during pregnancy?

Healthy mouth, healthy body. This saying is on point specially during pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones can create havoc but what is important is taking care of some things so that the pregnancy period goes on smoothly.

Studies show that gum diseases are directly related to preterm birth and babies born with low birth. 


How can one take care of dental health during pregnancy?

  1. Once you plan for pregnancy, have a dental check up and a preventive dental cleaning done.
  2. Get dental treatments done once you plan the pregnancy to avoid dental pain during pregnancy.
  3. Brush twice daily, floss everyday.
  4. Rinsing after every meal and craving to flush out the food lodged in between teeth.
  5. Dental treatment is safe during the second trimester.
  6. Have a routine dental check up during your second trimester.


Take care of your dental health for a smooth and sound pregnancy.



Does the mention of a dental visit or dental treatment make you scared?

Is your dental anxiety preventing you from receiving timely dental treatment?

If yes, then read on to know some tips to overcome your dental anxiety.


What is dental anxiety?

Dental Anxiety is a fear or a feeling of being scared of undergoing any dental treatment or even visiting a dental clinic. It is a serious medical condition which interferes with dental check visits adversely affecting one’s oral health.


What happens if one has dental anxiety?

Many people are worried before their dental visit for various reasons. But canceling an appointment due to dental anxiety or fear is a matter of concern.

One may experience :

  1. Sweating
  2. Lightheadedness
  3. Panic attacks
  4. Feeling faint
  5. Low blood pressure
  6. Aggressively denying dental visit


What care can be taken as a patient to overcome dental anxiety?

Being anxious about your dental visit is acceptable but avoiding dental treatment altogether because of dental anxiety is something that needs attention.

A person of any age or gender may experience dental anxiety. It is important to understand that a person suffering from dental anxiety is actually anxious and not just avoiding dental treatment.

One can overcome dental anxiety by :

  1. Communicate with the dentist – First and foremost, convey your fears to the dental team so that they can help you feel at ease.
  2. Clear your doubts – Dental anxiety may be due to having an unclear idea about the dental treatment. Talking will help clear the doubts.
  3. Share what makes you feel comfortable – It can be as simple as listening to your favorite songs or letting your kid carry their favorite toy.
  4. Meditation – Many people feel relaxed when they meditate while being at the dental clinic.
  5. Appointment time – Select the appointment time to coincide with the time you are most relaxed during the day.
  6. Distraction – Distracting from the ongoing treatment can help you out. 
  7. Accompanying person – A friend or a family member present at the time of treatment may put you at ease.
  8. Over the counter medicines – The dentist may prescribe you some over the counter medicines which may help with the dental anxiety.


Are there any procedures which can help with dental anxiety?

In case none of the above things help in reducing dental anxiety, the dentist may suggest ‘Dental Sedation’. Dental sedation is a procedure in which one is administered medication which makes one sedated.

Many times, the possibility of pain is the root of dental anxiety. In such cases, dental sedation can help overcome the anxiety. 

You are conscious but asleep so that you don’t feel anything when you are sedated.


Nothing in life is to be feared. It is to be understood.

Try to understand your dental anxiety and together we can conquer it.



Sugary treats cause tooth decay.

Truth or Myth?

Before determining this, let’s see what tooth decay is.


What is tooth decay?

Tooth decay is the damage of tooth structure caused due to naturally occurring bacteria. Tooth decay is permanent and as a tooth can not heal itself, a decayed tooth needs dental treatment. 


Does sugar cause tooth decay?

Sugar doesn’t directly cause tooth decay. Tooth decay is caused due to bacteria present in the mouth. Even Though sugar doesn’t cause tooth decay directly, the bacteria in the mouth uses sugar as an energy producing substance. These bacteria produce acid as a byproduct. These acids eat away the teeth surfaces causing tooth decay.

So although sugar doesn’t cause tooth decay, it definitely contributes to it.


Does the amount of sugar affect tooth decay?

Tooth decay is not dependent on the amount of sugar but the frequency of eating sugar. Having sugary treats after every few hours increases the chances of tooth decay.


What can be done to prevent tooth decay?

Tooth decay can be prevented by taking some simple care :

  • Brushing teeth two times a day everyday with a fluoridated toothpaste and toothbrush.
  • Rinse with water after every meal.
  • Have a healthy diet.
  • Stick to 3 meals a day.
  • Have a regular dental visit every 6 months.


Smiles Are Free, But They Are Worth A Lot! Take care of them.