About Us


Studio Dentale is a one stop solution for all your dental problems from basic to comprehensive dentistry, which includes cosmetics, implants, and advanced restorative care. Equipped with cutting edge technology, we aim to change the way people look at dental treatments by delivering those perfect smiles, taking teeth back to their original, strong selves, giving teeth the care they deserve and to reduce the pain to minimum by giving high priority to our patient’s comfort.


Born into a business family, being a doctor wasn’t the natural way of progression but a journey of oddities. I am probably the only science student and the first doctor in my family. I always liked to connect with people and wanted to make a difference to the community since my childhood. My mother still tells me that while my sisters enjoyed playing with doll houses, my favourite was doctor’s set…

Being a meritorious student throughout, getting into dentistry in 2010 was a choice rather than a last resort. I was inclined towards dentistry and my parents were very supportive of my decision. Studying at Manipal University, one of the premier institutions of India was an amazing experience all throughout my under-graduation and post-graduation and gave me a great insight into the training and latest advances in terms of equipment’s and their workflow. A firm believer of the fact that an artificial substitute aims at improving the quality of life and not simply increasing the longevity of life kindled my interest and I chose the field of prosthodontics and implantology as my subject for MDS.

Once I was done with my education with a Gold Medal in the subject of Prosthodontics and Implantology, I returned to Nepal in 2019. I cleared my licensing exams and worked as a consultant for a few months but I wanted create a center that not just treated patients but also provided them with a unique and wholesome experience all under one roof.

It was during the last lockdown that idea of ‘We Care Health Center and Studio Dentale’ was conceptualized. Just out of college I wasn’t sure if I was ready to take this heads on. My father being an entrepreneur asked me “Who is an entrepreneur for you?” I was quite baffled. He said “it is someone who has enough courage to do things – courage to undertake”. I remember this incidence from my childhood, I was about four and a half years old when we were in a market and I saw an ice cream parlour, I asked my father to get me a cone and he said if you want it you have to get it yourself this time. I was quite nervous since it was the first time I was approaching a stranger. But I still went for it and after I got I was very proud of myself and told my father “see dad!! I’ve got it….” From that day I realised that you have to face fears of yourself, others, have no regrets and step-up no matter what.

The name ‘Studio Dentale’ is very close to me as I always wanted to create a studio for designer digital smiles and also because of my love for dental photography.

From there on, ‘We Care Health Center and Studio Dentale’ have come a far way with expansion in the terms of machinery, space and even family with about 62 team members now from only my father and me. With many sleepless nights and COVID disruptions to the entire process over the past year….we are finally nearing our dream being fulfilled. As we look back at our journey, it has been an amazing experience of passion, dedication, grit and a sense of desire to achieve the unthinkable that has driven us so far.

And as we move into the next step, we move forward with a solemn promise that we will stand by and deliver every bit of our promise and make sure we are truly here to make a difference to each one of your health and wellness.

Thanks to my dad, I have this hunger, a motivation to keep struggling for better, where money is not a motivation big enough, but the motivation to dream big and bigger. I understand that this is just the beginning of my journey and I am committed to lifelong learning for I have not come this far too only come this far…….


Single Visit Dentistry

Digital Smile Designing

Complete Digital Workflow

Same Day Crowns

Dental X-Rays (CBCT, OPG and Cephalogram)- Planmeca ProMax® 3D Mid

Portable X-ray- The Vatech Ez ray

CAD/CAM- The 3Shape TRIOS4 Scanner

Stain Remover- Aqua Care


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