

Pregnancy is one of the special times for a mother. During this time, many things will take up your time. Attending to one’s cravings, getting ready for the baby, making timely doctor’s visits will occupy your time

Taking care of yourself during this time becomes a top priority.

In this, do not forget to take care of your oral hygiene.


What dental problems may one face during pregnancy?

  1. Gum problems :

Due to pregnancy hormones, you may experience gum swelling. The gum swelling may reduce post birth but may pose a problem during pregnancy.


2. Increased chances of cavities :

Everyone is aware that pregnancy cravings can come anytime of the day or night. The frequency of snacking is also more during pregnancy. Frequent snacking increases the chances of having cavities.


3. Wear of teeth :

Teeth tend to wear off due to the acidic environment created due to vomiting experienced during the first trimester.


4. Pregnancy ulcers :

Some women may experience mouth ulcers or swelling which goes off after pregnancy.


Why is it important to take care of oral hygiene during pregnancy?

Healthy mouth, healthy body. This saying is on point specially during pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones can create havoc but what is important is taking care of some things so that the pregnancy period goes on smoothly.

Studies show that gum diseases are directly related to preterm birth and babies born with low birth. 


How can one take care of dental health during pregnancy?

  1. Once you plan for pregnancy, have a dental check up and a preventive dental cleaning done.
  2. Get dental treatments done once you plan the pregnancy to avoid dental pain during pregnancy.
  3. Brush twice daily, floss everyday.
  4. Rinsing after every meal and craving to flush out the food lodged in between teeth.
  5. Dental treatment is safe during the second trimester.
  6. Have a routine dental check up during your second trimester.


Take care of your dental health for a smooth and sound pregnancy.

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