TMJ, the most important joint of our face but also the one which can give most pain in case of issue.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder refers to issues affecting the muscles in the jaw, the temporomandibular joint, and the surrounding area. The TMJ connects your jawbone to your skull while working like a hinge allowing you to open and close your mouth and move your jaw. TMJ syndromes can be very painful like pain during mouth opening and closing, chewing.
TMJ pain can be due to various reasons like :
- Bruxism (Grinding of teeth)
- Arthritis in the TMJ
- Acute trauma
- Stress
- Improper bite
- Dislocation in the disc
Symptoms of TMJ problems:
- Difficulty in opening mouth
- Pain near TMJ
- Difficulty in moving jaw
- Difficult to chew
- Swelling near TMJ
- Headache
But you don’t have to suffer anymore as we offer Laser treatment for your TMJ problems.
Using a special laser handpiece we deliver local heating that helps to temporarily increase the localized blood circulation. It also helps relax your muscles.
How does Laser therapy work?
The laser produces local heating with the help of a special handpiece.
This helps to temporarily increase the blood circulation in that particular area. It also helps to relax the muscles.
The laser is then able to temporarily relieve joint pain. The TMJ stiffness is also reduced.
It takes approximately 10 minutes for one session of the treatment for each area. It is fast and convenient even for people with busy schedule.
The number of sessions requires depends on the severity of the problem.
Laser pain relief therapy offers benefits like :
- It is non invasive
- It gives fast relief
- Doesn’t take months of physical therapy for results
- Results are quick
- No side effects like the ones with medications
- It is easiest, fastest and safest treatment option for TMJ pain.
The charges are around NPR 2500